Our current priority:

Reducing the harmful impact of trauma and violence on children and families across Spokane County.

The Facts

In Spokane County:

  1. 57.7 Child Abuse/Neglect Cases in 2017 per 1,000
  2. 618 Youth completed or attempted suicide in 2017 per 100,000
  3. 13.7 Domestic Violence Offenses in 2017 per 1,000

Each of these data points is on an upward trend and significantly higher than the average for Washington State. Thank you to our members The Women Helping Women Fund and Spokane Regional Health District for this important research from their “Changing Our Forecast: State of Women & Children in Spokane County” report.

Culture of Health Award

Spokane County increased HS graduation rates from below 60% to over 80% in 5 years! As a result we’re stoked about our national Culture of Health Award from RWJF

Donate Now

Once completed, jump up and down in excitement, that you have contributed to a cause that helps the entire community of Spokane.

Our Mission

Priority Spokane is an endeavor to create a vibrant future for Spokane County by implementing community-defined goals. It is through collaborative and focused efforts that Spokane County will be a flourishing community for all who live and work here.

Our Commitment to Equity: Earnest dialogue and active listening are keys to challenging our assumptions and understanding those who are different from us. Priority Spokane commits to listening first, meeting with groups where they’re at, and working diligently to be inclusive, culturally informed, and equitable in our work. We envision a thriving Spokane County where all residents live healthy, fulfilling lives free of racism, poverty, violence, and other systems of oppression. Where all residents will have equitable opportunities and resources, leading to optimal health and well-being.

Learn more about us

What We Do

Priority Spokane is a unique collaboration of organizations working to identify priorities for Spokane County and then collaborating to address them. Our goal is to foster measurable improvements in key areas of community vitality. By focusing efforts on a few key priorities, Priority Spokane aims to create a thriving community for all who live and work here. We conduct a data-driven community assessment, identify and research root causes, develop regional evidence-based plans, convene community leaders and stakeholders, and lead a collaborative effort to achieve measurable results.

PDF of basic info

What We're Doing:

Priority Spokane has finished its 2022-2023 Community Needs Assessment and identified 4 top priorities for Spokane County. Priority Spokane is currently researching each of the top 4 priorities to assess:

  1. What’s currently being/already been done to avoid duplication or reinvention.
  2. Identifying opportunities for work that could be accomplished in 3-5 years per our guidelines.
  3. Identifying what resources exist to support the work.
  4. Where are we welcome and where does synergy exist to partner on a project.

Priority Spokane’s board will vote to select which priority we focus on next in early 2024.

What we just did:

What we did to reduce trauma/address violence in Spokane County:

  1. Expanded Peer Support across Spokane County increasing its use 31% by:
    • Led the creation of a virtual certification training to continue to train and certify peer counselors during the pandemic which resulted in over 700 peer professionals trained statewide and 70+ in Spokane County.
    • Increased awareness of Peer Support among Spokane County organizations through presentations and marketing efforts.
    • Provided two Peer Support Certification trainings.
    • We helped increase the number of agencies providing peer support in Spokane County from 23 in 2019 to 33 in 2023.
  2. Funded the creation of a Spokane County Peer Support network by Peer Spokane connecting & supporting 176 Peer Professionals to connect and support peer support professionals across the region. As of January 2023, 176 Peer Support Professionals were engaged and utilizing the network.
  3. We created a virtual tutoring and support service which aided 176 high need K-12 students during the pandemic. Additionally, we provided a website which provided free tools, handouts, and resources for parents educating their children at home. This website was accessed by over 65,000 unique users. Thank you to Gonzaga University and ESD 101 for their partnership.
  4. We created STEP which provided support and mental health tools to over 3,000 individuals and over 50 Spokane organizations and which is now being used nationally. During the pandemic we partnered with Harvard University doctors to develop a mental health program that could be delivered virtually to provide support, connection, and tools to address stress and trauma called STEP. Thank you to the Center for Trauma and Stress Education for their partnership.
  5. Supported and helped create the nonprofit Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition whose mission is to empower and educate our collective community to end the violence. (endtheviolencespokane.org)

Where we are in our

We've found a 3-5 year system that works. Here's an infographic that shows how and where we are in determining and achieving our goals.

5 years

A Word from Our Executive Director

Spokane County has the highest domestic violence rates in Washington state as well as substantially higher child abuse and youth suicide and self harm rates.  In fact Spokane County saw over a 400% increase in youth suicide and self harm over just 10 years.  This is not what we want for Spokane’s kids.  This is not what we want to be known for. These problems are at the root of our community’s challenges with homelessness, addiction, and mental health. We’re thankful for the work of the Domestic Violence Coalition, the Women Helping Women Fund’s ground-breaking report on women and children, and the work of our many partners.  We’ll only get ahead of this through collaboration and coordination, and that’s something Spokane has proven time and time again it does well.  Join us in assuring Spokane County is a safe and healthy community for all who live and work here.”


-Ryan Oelrich, Executive Director


Research is extremely important when finding a solution to any conflict or problem, and this priority is no different.

Our Framework Coming Soon

Who We Are

Priority Spokane brings together leaders and stakeholders from government, education, universities, business, health, Tribes, philanthropy, and nonprofit sectors. It’s only through their guidance, coordination, and support that we succeed. Below are our outstanding Steering Members who have committed to working together to improve the health and vitality of Spokane County.  Are you interested in becoming a member?  Contact us.
Avista Corporation

– Dan Blazquez, Customer Engagement Manager


– Nick Flett, Spokane Regional Director

City of Spokane

– Mayor Lisa Brown

Mayor’s Office represented by Sara Clements-Sampson

-Council Member Lili Navarrete

Community Building Foundation

– Katy Sheehan, Executive Director

Scholarship Sponsor!

Kalispel Tribe of Indians

-Leslie Bytnar, Charitable & Governmental Affairs Manager (Secretary/Treasurer)

Scholarship Sponsor!

MultiCare Health Foundation Inland NW

– Jennifer Vigil, Equity & Outreach Program Manager

Numerica Credit Union

– Melanie Whalen, VP of Analytics and Insights (Vice Chair)

Empire Health Foundation

-Kevin Penass, Program Officer

Greater Spokane Incorporated

– Stacia Rasmussen, Health & Life Sciences Business Development Manager 

Innovia Foundation

– Matt Bumpus, Director of Research and Community Impact


Providence Health Care

– John Kleiderer, Chief Mission Integration Officer
– Christina Kamkosi, Manager Community Health Investment Programs

Spokane County

-Commissioner Amber Waldref

-Commissioner Chris Jordan

Spokane County United Way

– Dan Dent, CEO

Spokane Regional Health District

– Danielle Wrenn, Program Manager Data Center

Washington State University Health Sciences

– Andrew Perera, Director of Student Equity, Leadership, and Community HUB

Women Helping Women Fund

– Geneva Johns, Operations Director

Community Minded Enterprises

-John Hindman, CEO

Excelsior Wellness Center

Drew Comito, Associate Director (Chair)

Little Scholars & Raze Development

– Kerra Bower, Founder/Director

Junior League of Spokane

-Ashley Manfred, Former President/Member 

Spokane Fire Dept.

-Jamie McIntyre, Community Risk Reduction Manager

Eastern Washington University

-Dr. Vernon Loke, Professor of Social Work & Director of Program Evaluation


– Dr. Mason Burley, CEO


Priority Spokane charter allows for up to 25 Steering Committee Member with up to two voting members being from the same organization. Organizations pay an annual membership fee of $2,500 per voting member which funds the administrative costs of the organization. Members participate in the community assessment process and receive: 1 vote per membership, input in selecting priorities for Spokane County, recognition as a member in all publications and press releases, recognition as a member on our website with a link to your organization, annual recognition via social media, public recognition at all Priority Spokane events and an invitation to several annual private events.

Our Staff

Ryan Oelrich MA, MBA  Executive Director

Ryan became Priority Spokane’s Executive Director in 2015. A Gonzaga University Graduate, he’s founded and directed several nonprofit organizations and businesses. He’s a RWJF Culture of Health Fellow and received the Peirone prize for service in 2016. He’s received Congressional recognition for his work on poverty issues and is an advocate for increased coordination and collaboration to achieve results which was the subject of one of his TED talks.

Community Sponsorships

Sponsor a community organization who otherwise could not afford membership at a reduced rate of $2,250 per year. Community Sponsors help us assure that diverse voices are equitably included at the table. Please contact us for additional details.

How you can help

Making measurable change in our community requires community-wide action through collaboration and through individual action, such as volunteering and contributing resources. Priority Spokane is committed to collaboration not competition and as a result has chosen not to become a 501c3.  Priority Spokane is instead fiscally sponsored by the Innovia Foundation so all contributions are tax deductible.  Not being a 501c3 assures that our organization has to partner and collaborate with other community organizations to fundraise and conduct our work, and is one of the things that makes us and our process unique. We appreciate your support and investment in our work.

Get in touch

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you regarding any general questions, suggestions, or comments.

We're a busy group that is constantly working to reach our goals, but will get back to you at our earliest convenience.

Office Phone
(509) 499-0536
Email Address